Youth is a magical elixir: When we’re young, oftentimes we can get away with not babying our skin as much and still look fabulous. Yet, to have magnificent skin at all stages of our lives, we should start in our teens caring properly for our body’s largest organ.

Then, as we enter our 40s, 50s and beyond, when our skin requires more attention to keep it healthy and feeling good, we’ve already developed healthy habits. The right products and best practices make all the difference between dull, saggy skin and bright, firm skin. Here are some tips from Nourish Skin Care Products to encourage healthy skin throughout our lives.

Avoid Sun Exposure

The sun is glorious when you’re at the beach, at a picnic, or in the pool. And many of us love to sport that summer tan. But without exception, sun exposure prematurely ages skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

The number one tip when it comes to any skin care, but particularly aging skin, is to avoid the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends staying in the shade, wearing hats and clothing that keep the sun off your skin, and applying SPF 30 or higher every time you’re outdoors.

However, there’s been controversy over sunscreen containing certain chemicals such as oxybenzone and others. While the research isn’t definitive, many people want to avoid these substances. Nourish Organic Sunscreen is one example of a product without any harmful ingredients; we are transparent in listing everything that goes into ALL our products and the benefits of each ingredient.

Cultivate Positive Daily Habits

Eating food that promotes skin health also can give your skin a vibrant glow, so eat plenty of fresh produce, nuts, and fatty fish to get those vitamins necessary for maintaining skin health. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol as well, which can suck the moisture out of skin and lead to fine lines and blotchy patches.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommends washing your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and using a daily moisturizer. Nourish offers a full line of cleansers and moisturizers, including a milk facial cleanser, eye crème, organic lotion, and even care for crepey skin. Just be aware that products don’t work miracles overnight: Give them at least six weeks up to a few months to really see results.

Finally, getting enough sleep is a big factor in how our skin looks. Get plenty of rest and less stress, and between that, other positive daily habits, and helpful, high-quality products, you’ll be on the road to healthier skin.

Texas-based Nourish Skin Care Products provides a variety of organic products to protect and care for your skin. Visit to learn more about the natural ingredients that make our products unique, or shop now. Reach us at [email protected] or online.