Fall is officially here! We have enjoyed the summer by spending it outdoors in the sunshine, at the beach, the pool or on the lake. Whatever your pleasure, by soaking up the sunshine and splashing in the water you have damaged your skin and your complexion. For mature skin you have welcomed sun and age spots as well as increased lines and wrinkles.

Sun exposure depletes collagen. Collagen is the glue-like substance that supports and connects tissues and is responsible for firmness, elasticity and protections. The sun breaks down collagen, damaging its suppleness and promotes early aging.

Nourish Blog & Newsletter-Oct2015The following skin tips will help you to correct the damage done.

  1. Wear your sun screen all year long.
  2. You may think that using a scrub dries out your skin, in fact it is the best way to treat parched, flaky skin. Fall is the best time to introduce both face and body scrubs once or twice a week. Your face requires a more gentle scrub, your body where skin is tougher requires a more moderate scrub.So before moisturizing your skin it is very important that you remove the dull, dry and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Even the most advanced moisturizers are unable to penetrate old tough skin.
  3. Ditch the soap!! It is time to bring out the organic creamy cleansers and non-sulfate body washes. Read your ingredients, use organic products.
  4. Don’t forget your feet. By the time fall arrives your feet are likely rough and your heels exceptionally dry. Exfoliate the soles and heels of your feet, then apply a generous amount of organic body oil to penetrate and feed the skin followed by a rich organic lotion to seal the moisture in to hydrate and prevent moisture loss.
  5. Protect your lips. Start moisturizing now to prevent dry, cracked lips this winter. Use a non-petroleum lip balm for the best results.
  6. For your face. Always cleanse your face before retiring, it is important that your skin and pores are free from make-up and the grit and grime from the outdoor elements. Use a rich creamy organic cleanser, a rich organic moisturizer and a rich organic eye creme.
  7. For your hands. Don’t forget this important part of your body. Hands show your age no matter how young you may look. Hands are one of the first parts of your body for age spots to appear. Use an intense moisturizer on your hands and nails every time you wash to hydrate and restore moisture.

Enjoy the fall season. Take care of your skin for a healthier and more youthful appearance.